the must new brand to have on your feets.
Girls... if you don't have them already at your feets you are totally out.
And this is Chloé Miss trendhunter that'is saying that to you.

Even, Dita are wearing them........But Chut it's a secret.....

Raquel shoes is already a classic .......
Bon début de semaine
je vous embrasse

Oh!, i was forgetting to tell you if you are in Paris for the 14 of february
i am organizing a Saint Valentin Dinner in a small restaurant in Paris-
i will DJ and Miss Scarlett Diamond will perform a burlesque act during the evening.
But be quick only 45 people will have the pleasure to be with us .
More infos here on my facebook event
But be quick only 45 people will have the pleasure to be with us .
More infos here on my facebook event
And remenber add yourself to my group
After a popular facebook and myspace request
i decided to finally make this group this weekend
so you are sure to get all the photos the vintage pin-ups i found
I normally post everyday some vintage photos or infos .