Cabinet of curiosities & Inspirations since 2009

Cabinet of curiosities & Inspirations since 2009
*I Don’t Own the Rights to These Photos*

30 janv. 2012

“I want to be a living work of art,” Marchesa Luisa Casati

‎"Women of the world today dress alike. They are like so many loaves of bread.
 To be beautiful one must be unhurried. Personality is needed. 
There is too much sameness. 
The world seems only to have a desire for more of this sameness. 
To be different is to be alone."

 Marchesa Luisa Casati

 Marchesa "chad nude male servants gilded with gold.
Wax mannequins sat, lifeless, at her dinner table. 
  She wore live snakes as jewellery, & was infamous for her late-night walks,
 during which she would walk cheetahs on diamond-studded leashes,
while completely naked beneath her furs.

When both her wealthy parents died, Luisa (aged 15) & her sister were suddenly the wealthiest women in Italy. Luisa’s natural propensity for the arts & fascination with surrounding herself with beautiful, unusual things became a major part of her personality. She regularly shocked the aristocracy with her bizarre garb & enthrallment with the macabre.

She was tall & thin, with a pale, almost cadaverous face. Her huge green eyes were flanked by false eyelashes, slathered with black kohl, & she regularly used belladonna eyedrops to dilate her pupils. Her mouth was painted rich vermillion. "
From the blog GALADARLING

15 janv. 2012

The Fallen Angel: Linda Darnell (1923-1965)

"Notorious for her unstable personal life,
 Darnell was incapable of dealing with Hollywood, 
and landed in a downward spiral of alcoholism, 
unsuccessful marriages and highly publicized or scandalous affairs.
She failed to receive recognition from the industry and its critics, 
and disappeared from the screen in the 1950s. 
Darnell died from burns sustained in a house fire."

"« Linda Darnell était une jolie fille et une actrice charmante à l’époque de l’Aveu, elle était encore très jeune, à peine vingt ans. Elle sortait avec Howard Hughes, 
mais dès qu’il l’a laissé tomber, elle s’est mise à boire...
C’est l’un des cas les plus tristes de l’histoire d’Hollywood, 
qui était une sorte de capitale de la saoulographie. 
Vous savez que Linda Darnell est morte tragiquement ; elle avait une véritable phobie du feu, 
et c’est comme cela qu’elle est morte – morte dans un incendie à quarante ans. »
Douglas Sirk."

11 janv. 2012